Seniors day celebrations

After an all night airport run, 10 am seemed so early when we had to go to the seniors home for the Seniors day celebration. I am glad we did. They were all a buzz with excitement.. dressed to the nines, they had the sound system fired up to this almost unbearable static humm and they each took turns entertaining us.. singing , I dancing and telling jokes, we had it all.. Then we had the speeches from all the politicians and business men who stop by once a year to give a small gift. Tanya was very gracious and served a beautiful meal for everyone afterwards . It was nice to have Larisa there with us today as well. They have 4 more seniors waiting to come to the home, but they are out of beds. I just could not bear the thoughts of another trip to Bishkek right now, so I called Jengish, then sent him the money by western union, and he will go to the bazaar in the morning and buy them and have them sent to the home. Sergey called tonight and said that his mom has made a big batch of palmeni so is it alright if the kids did not come tonight for English club... actualy a quiet night sounds good.
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