Today was a special day for Judy. For many years she has been a very active suporter of Laurisa and the work that she does. Life has not always been easy for either, but they have been faithful, and some how ... this day.. they finaly got to meet. But no time for long greatings, there was a lot on the schedual...

It was off to the village to see Aerofot and his family. Aerofot will be having his second cleft palat surgery tomorrow .. There is actualy a team of Dr's here that specialize in the upper palat repair, and our young friend is on the top of their list....

We had a great visit with the family, and "T" consisted of borsht, apples, grapes, fruit we do not recognise, bread, and a big plate of candies and cookies... basicaly everything this and every other family in town could pull together with no notice...
We then went out on the street and met up with so many kids that we know and gave out mits that were made by a friend of ours back in Canada.. What a hit.. and this time it was not 122 out when we were giving out knitting. Amazing how much more they appreciated them today..hahaha
We had to ruch back because we were hosting a dinner for about 40. We had a group of the English speeking friends of Altynai's from the school, as well as David and Jayne, and a few other couples that work with and know these kids as part of a suport network .
After supper we gave the kids some new journals that the ladies brought with them from another friend of ours.. They were so excited to recieve them... Last year when we gave them out, there was a marked improvment in how the kids did.

It was a great night... we had so much fun with them...
1 comment:
Grammy likes your glasses Bekah.
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