But even there, a smile never to far away... you jst need to work for it a little .
Tonight I went for "Tea" at Mesha's house... ... For those of you who don't know Mesha, he Timed out of one of the orphanages that we support, and he has been fortunate enough to have a wonderful sponsor that is eager to help him out.... His friend is another young orphan that was living with his Uncle.... he was going to school and working... he then had an accident at work and cut off the end of his finger. The uncle gave him money for medical bills, but when he could not work and did not got to school for the week, his uncle recalled the loan... un able to pay, the uncle took his documents and kicked him out of the house... he now lives with Mesha...
The house is very clean and tidy, and I even snooped around and found no sign of other substance issues.. they are living on one side of a small house.. apart from bad neighbours, it is a very nice spot and in a good area of town....the problem is that it is not a separated apartment, but they each have two rooms of one house, so there is no separation from the neighbour. I spoke with the land lord, and she is not thrilled with the other renters either, and likes Mesha...the other people have given their notice and will be leaving in three weeks... we reached an agreement that I would rent the other side of the house so if Mesha thought he had problems with his last neighbour then look out...lol... kidding aside, I got it for $25 a month fully furnished.... and with it comes all the gardens and out buildings as well.... A small price to pay to secure a quiet safe house for Mesha.. he has also agreed to over see and maintain both so that it can be used as a temporary safe bed if we need it... something that seems to be in big demand here.... We also discussed future plans with Mesha... since we got to town, he has done very well in school, and is now eagerly working toward going to college in the capital city... It was so good to see a spark in his eye, and an excitement knowing that he had a chance at a brighter future... Knowing that someone has taken a personal interest in him has made all the difference to him....
I just got a call from Jengish... he is the proud new owner of a horse... not that he wanted a horse, but that is all the man had to pay him after running into his truck.... so Jengish is on horse back now.... humm I wonder If we can park our horse in the compound at the foundation..... hummmm
This morning I headed early out to the village to talk to the family of the little boy with the cleft pallet.. We have a place for him for his operation on Monday morning.. Their is a slight hitch ... they have this understanding that my faith group eats them , and sells them for body parts, and when they except help from us they will automatically become the same faith as us... So I brought one of our friend with us as a translator to talk to them... She is Dungan, and I also gave them the phone number of Isar ( our Bus Driver) , and he has agree to talk to them as well... he has watched us for many years now, and will help us to convince them to do what is right for the son... I brought them a couple books from the Dr that are in Russian, and explain the entire operation.... I guess ow it is a wait and see.... If I don't here from them in the next couple days, I will try to find someone in their own community to help as well...
The rest of the day was a fun one. We had 22 of us pile into the bus and head to the capital city... I had Angola's family as well as our US friends, and Sergei and family, Acel and family, and a bunch of kids from the English class I took them to a production of Oklahoma at the Hope academy in the capital city... Hope academy is the school that all the diplomats and foreigners here send their kids to... It was an incredible production...
everyone had a great time, then we went out to an Uzbek restaurant for supper after the show. We are home now, and it is 8:00 and feels like midnight.... I will try to get a second wind... I have the farm family and Benson here tonight..I will put on a movie, maybe Lord of the Rings 1,2,&3, make them some popcorn, and go to bed....
Tomorrow we are going for a donkey cart ride into the mountains to go fishing with Torat...My brother is always showing photo's on his blog of his 4 wheeler on his fishing adventures... A can't wait to see how tomorrow turns out... it can go either way...
Lunch was a bit of an adventure. Chinese food in Central Asia, the menu written in Russian, with a local translator.. A bit hilarious when placing an order. I think (notice I use that term loosely) I think we had several different Beef platters, a few chicken platters and one mutton platter delivered. Of which we shared family style over some rice (reese in Russian).
Then off to of all things a concert! Put on by friends we met on our first trip . Vladik (my super cutey .. I could not stop hugging him and he is just always all smiles) was in the concert put on by the school children. Traditional dancing, a reading of the traditional poem Manas. What better way to see and experience the heritage of Central Asia.
Then about two hours to collect thoughts and kind of decompress and off for dinner with friends. Lagman~~~ One of my favorite local dishes. I am simply going to have to learn how to cook this dish...
Ooof and now I am frantically trying to get some photos to you all before I pass out for 6 hours and get up and start the next round.
Wow just isn't enough... and neither are words. so the pictures may do Central Asia a bit of justice.