Thursday, December 31, 2009
Rest your weary feet.....
At the end of the busy day, the last stop was to Aigoolqa's house... Isn't it funny that sometimes the very people we are trying to bless are the ones that bless us the most... The team was so exhausted when they arrived, but knew they needed to push through and do one more party tonight... What they did not know is that Aigoola had gotten wind that they were making the rounds today, and when they arrived, the table was set, and the true Kyrgyz hospitality was experienced once again with the family we have all come to love.. Anya said that she was just so blessed... she said it was one of the best gifts she could have received... Then after supper, they all exchanged gifts... Not only did they have gifts for the family, but the family had all made gifts for them as well.

Happy New year
I just got off the phone with Sergey and Anya... By Russian Tradition, this is the biggest Celebration of the year... So I asked Them what they had planed .... They said... NOTHING... they are home now, and they have there cell phones turned off, and they are going to do nothing... They are sooooo tired...as you can imagine, helping people is easier said then done... some people need on going maintenance, and on top of all the work with the Christmas Celebrations, they have had to deal with their share of Maintenance issues today... I know exactly how they are feeling... many times we would come falling back into the apartment late at night, just wanting to drop out of things for a rest.... But after a little visit and an opportunity to vent, they were feeling much better, but then when I shared with them about a wire transfer that we just did they were thrilled...I know that Anya has a heavy heart about the food situation in the Baby Hospital, but when she found out that we have some incredible sponsors for them this winter, she was beside herself...Not only will they have money for food, but All the kids will get new blankets... As well , they will be able to include all the families there in the Christmas parties....
We were also able to let her know that the money was on it's way for the rest of the mattresses for the invalid home... as well as blankets for the two baby orphanages.... by this time she was starting to get excited, but it went over the top for her when we told her that we even had a bit of money on the way that she could use to get furniture for the family that was just moved into the house.... At that point, the new years party truly began for them... they rang in the new year jumping and shouting for joy.... It is easy to get "wherry in well doing", but nothing can breath life back into you as quickly as when people come on board and share your burden.....
She then shared more about the Babushka and the two girls... If it was not bad enough that they lived in such a tinny little room, the land lord that they were paying did not pass on the Power money, so last week, the power company had come and turned off their power... their only heat and source of cooking.... when they moved to the house, all they has was the cloths, two mattresses and two blankets we had given them... in the house there is one table and no chairs.... but at least it has heat.... Anya shared how worried she had been, and how upsetting it had been for her that they could not do more, but now they will be able to set things right.....She finished by saying that a
few minutes ago, she was very sad, but now she was sooooo happy.....
Here is a little highlight from their day ( Just some of the good things ).....

They were all so happy that they were not forgotton at this special time of year
Each of them got a small gift ( I remember this Babushka from when I helped Jengish rescue her off the streets of the capital and brought her here in the spring)
Then of course there is Anya ... the old girl that is always waiting for her kiss...
Oh and the chess champ ...
and the old general
Anya and Anya
They each received a Pineapple and banana's as well
Funny storey here ... They had never seen a pineapple before, so as Talant gave them out he told them to smell them.... which they did, but Anya had to explain to them that they were not just for smelling, but that they could eat them as well
Here we leave cookies out for Santa, but at the Seniors home, someone left a special surprise for him
and the frost princess as well....
Now we just need to get them to make one of Anya..
Another Christmas Celebration
I thought I would post another Christmas Celebration that was a little closer to home.
This was our Christmas supper we celebrated with Julie's side of the family on Monday night.
one side of the table is all the kids, then on the other is all the parents and grand parents...
It was really great to have Benjamin and Rachel home with us for a few days 
We are on to the final countdown now before our grandson arrives..
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Celebrating with some special friends ..
This next batch of photo's is from Christmas at two separate orphanages .. If you look closely you will recognise a few of my little friends in some of these ..
Still lots more Christmas parties to go... so come on back tomorrow for more updates, but in the mean time, pop over to the iam1ru blog , and join our team on their adventure to Haiti.
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