On my way to the bank, as soon as the snow stops . They are telling us now that the mask and gloves should be left for the medical professionals , so before any one freaks out at me, I had these left in a package from my operation, and since I am in the "at risk" category with my health, I will take all precautions .
Speaking of masks and gloves. Here is a public service announcement .
One of our board members and dear friend, is in the manufacturing sector here in Canada. He has realized that he has many contacts that purchase products directly from China .. millions of dollars in trade. And yet our governments are not seeming to get the necessary products working government to government . Perhaps if our business sector starts opening up channels with their business counterparts in China we can get things moving . Business to Business .. He has started to test this and already has sourced 150 000 N95 face masks .. a drop in the bucket , but a definite start in just a few hours. For this to work, we need as many of you with contacts as possible to join in the battle .. business contacts there , or financial contacts here .. if we can bring them together we can break the dam and get much needed medical supplies flowing before its too late .
Here is a letter from Dan that he is trying to get out .. Maybe you are a Link in this chain .
Canadian manufacturers and businesses purchase millions of $ of product from China every day, we all have our own contacts and relationships there that we deal with, we all need/have to contact our sources in China and have them buy as many N95 Face masks and even ventilators as they can and have them shipped to the individual Canadian Companies via Air Freight for local distribution to front line workers, we do this every day and have accounts and logistics in place for these companies This way we can come along side the Government and let you do what you do best, let us do what we do best China is coming out of this epidemic and starting to have a surplus of these items, no offense but we can not wait for Government to work with this, If we can mobilize the Purchasing power we have today, Monday, by individual Canadian companies its our firm belief we can have a very good portion of the shortages solved by the end of this week.....tell me why not We need to act now and quickly....we have run out of time...ask Mr Trudeau if he could ask Canadian Companies to do this at Mondays briefing.... Also, we want to support Canadian Manufacturers of these products, can you publish the Canadian Manufacturers of the Respirator and other medical equipment so Canadian Manufacturers can contact them directly to see where we can help them, we need to move faster than the Covid 19 curve, and no offense, not the speed of Government Let Canadian Companies Purchasing power work for us all, we are not asking you to step aside, we are asking to come along side you in this fight As you know we are out of time and with many companies shutting down the opportunity for this to be effective is very narrow We are also asking as many companies as possible to formally request that this is made possible as we are going to step up anyway... Many thanks
Dan Bailey VP & General Manager
Merit Precision Ltd Peterborough, Ontario
Tel 705 742 4200 Cell 705 760 1583
Over in Kyrgyzstan , our friends are working hard getting aid out to families in need. As you know at the onset of the crisis we started packing food hampers to give out as needed ..
For many in the remote area's they are not as connected to media and world issues . I have heard many say that this would not have been much of a problem if it were not for media and fb.. well in this case media and fb have kept us a few steps ahead.. those with out find them selves thrust into difficulty with out notice .. not prepared .. suddenly the stores are closed and their travel is restricted . When you live and shop on a day to day basis, it can be disastrous.
Today's food and coal deliveries will go a long way to bring peace to people and show them that they are not alone.
Thank you again to all of you who have given a special donation at this time so that we are able to get needed supplies to families , Dr's and orphanages at this time .