Final day with Benjamin

Yesterday morning we started early with some last minute shopping at the bazaar. We had to get back quickly because our young friend Colya that works at the rehab centre was comming over for a Guitar lesson from Benjamin. We then gathered up the troops and headed for the Baurana Tower. It is always and a fun place to go... un fortunately the car ride got the better of me and I was down for the count... I ended up bailing on the next portion of the trip and heading back tot he apartments. I had been really looking forward to Torats Birthday celebration. We had a special present for him. Benjamin had a Russian Study Book for him to take to school with him in Ukraine, as well as a personal journal. Julie and I gave him a small computer. This will give us time to teach him how a computer works before he needs it for school. I have ulterior motives as well... I want to be able to keep in touch with him while he is in Krovy Rog. He was so excited, I just wish I could have been there to see it. I was looking through the photos from the night and I found one of Altynai with Aigoola .. I thought it was a beautiful one.. Aigoola is such a warm hearted lady... They showed her photo's of the trip to Osh and the delivery of all the mattresses and blankets that she made as well as the grain that they grew.. I have posted a short version on You tube but will have to wait until they un block the blog to post it here on the blog, but you can follow the link. Last night Talant came over to meat Benjamin. He has been so busy with work that we have not had time to get together with him. it was to bad.. Talant is one of our best friends here, but fortunately they did get a little time to visit.. Talant brought Benjamin a Kyrgyz hat and a cell phone holder. Then at 2:30 in the morning sar came to drive us to the airport.
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