The sheep barn is coming along well. they will be starting on the second floor today, and I am going now to order the windows and the doors .
Over at the green house, the last sheet of poly-carbonate went up today, and they have started parging all the walls with cement . Tomorrow they will start digging them out on the inside another foot, and preparing the beds
Emma has been busy making more soap. She needs to do two more large batches, then she will be ready to start marketing and selling the soap. Once we see the average cost over a large sample we will be able to set the price .
I though you might be interested in a look at how its done .
. I will skip past the raising the pigs for the lard and the goats for the milk, and the growing of the herbs, and the bees and go right to the process.
Making of the soap is actually rather scientific, and takes place as a result of the reactions of different substances and precise temperatures. Even the type of pot each part is mixed in and the spoon used to stir makes a difference.
the process begins with mixing the exact amount of lime with water, causing a reaction that produces a lot of heat .
the exact weight is put into a cooling pot and put in a water bath until it gets to the exact temperature , and at the same time the precise amount of lard is heated to the right temperature
When each item reaches their own specific desired temperature , the ingredients are mixed.
Once it cools to the next target temperature the desired herbs are added.
The soap is then cooled a little longer, then is poured into the molds.
the next day, when the bars of soap have begun to harden, they a removed from the molds and set out to dry for about two weeks before packaging and decorating . Today's batch is oats and honey .
We have a small room at the farm beside the guest house that we are in the process of setting up as a gift shop for all the items such as the soap that is produced at the farm. this room will also have drying racks and work stations for making soap. We have a team coming from Espanola Ontario that will be helping with this.
Getting ready for the team, we have spruced up the out house for the kids so they will not need to use the guest washroom while the team is here.
back in the kitchen they are busy making plum sauce
Sergey has some sponsors that are helping with back to school for the orphanages as well as the kids from the farm. The kids were so thrilled with all the awesome new supplies.. thank you Sergey and those you work with for this great blessings
We loaded up with lots of produce , Potatoes, carrots and onions, cabbages and cucumbers , and headed over to Olga's women's support centre. We had not called anyone to come today, but word is out that we are there on Fridays . The older lady at the front left of the picture below filled her bag up then realised that she could not carry it. I put her in the car and drove her home. She lived about a mile away. I wonder how many there are out there that are not able to walk that far to get there.
Today was also coming home day for Aiperie and her baby . Both mother and son are doing great
Back at the hospital. they are just about finished the soffit and fascia , and are putting up the eves toughing now
The inside drywall is all up now as well. We have made arrangements with the builder and Dr Anara for the team to do a little bit of work there .. She asked if any of our guys know how to do drywall taping .. I told her Every Canadian man knows how to.. It is a right of passage ,, hahah I sure hope they don't prove me wrong .
Sergey was with me so we could go over the receipts and confirm that everything was in order, and leave some funds for the next stage.