The story begins with a wonderful lady packing for a missions trip. She was shopping and suddenly she heard God speaking to her. Realising how absurd this sounded, she tried to disregard the voice. She tried to keep her self distracted, she even tried to leave the store because she just could not bring herself to listen... Finlay out of complete torment, she went back into the store and went to the manager and said " I am going to an orphanage and I feel God telling me that I am to ask you for a pair of size 13 black and white canvas running shoes... the ones with the white patch on the ankle, and you are to give them to me for free!"
Now this was such a bizarre request that the manager obliged .

So now we are in Xxxxx and I am with some of the men outside building physiotherapy equipment when all of a sudden a boy comes running , jumping and shouting , laughing,and is leaping and squealing with joy , and you guessed it ,His feet are clad with black and white canvas running shoes, .
He came out to our meeting that afternoon to tell us his story. You see it had been 2 years since he had a pair of shoes. He had size 13 feet, and not many size 13 shoes are donated to a children's orphanage. He had asked God for a pair..... not just any pair, but he wanted .....Black and white canvas running shoes with the little white circle on the ankle. He had not shared this with any of the workers there, but did tell his friends that he was going to get a new pair.
If these shoes had been given to him by an orphanage worker, it would have been exciting, but it would not have been a miracle. If someone from the government had brought him a pair, it would have been unlikely, but not necessarily a miracle. But for an older lady on the other side of the world to travel for two days with his shoes in her carry on, and walk into the orphanage not knowing who the shoes were for, then to hand them to him..... That is a miracle.
The boy told us that from this point on, nobody will ever be able to tell him that God does not love him.