Thursday, January 21, 2021

"You did it for Me"

"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

Today Kamala and our team were busy at the homeless shelter.  Shopping, delivering and helping to prepare meals for those hungry and in need.  We have enough for one more delivery here and then we will be on hold until more donations come in.  


groceries being loaded into the car 

unpacking and organizing groceries 

cooking and preparing meals 

some of the homeless coming to pick up their meals 

It sure is a different time, but for safety sake we can not feed everyone together inside .  We are just blessed that we are able to do this much and that they will have a warm meal in their bellies. 

Vlad was busy today as well with deliveries to the Treatment center and to Red River orphanage . They both needed school supplies . Thank you to those of you who helped with this need. 

I mentioned yesterday that the Baby orphanage has asked for help fixing some water problems.   We have decided that we are going to step out in faith and begin this. It NEEDS to be done.  This type of work is often neglected as it does not have a lot of donor or "curb" appeal. What I mean buy that is that you don't notice it directly when you go to the orphanage ,  its not new carpets or toys or food that you can give the kids ..  but when its leaking and there are puddles and the walls are crumbling you sure notice ..that's why we have decided to move ahead and cover it out of our general fund if we need to. 

and mean while back on the farm the bagging of coal continues . 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The roof is leaking and the wind is howling !

The roof is leaking and the wind is howling.  These are words from Phil Collins back in 1981.  

Vlad has been working with the Tokmok Baby orphanage to figure out what to do because Their roof is leaking and the wind is howling.  Unfortunately it is a little more then just a patch .. that was the last 30 years , now there needs to be a lot more extensive work. But more then just the roof  , there are no eaves troughs on the buildings and there is a lot of repairs every year on the building foundations because of the water.  The quotes just came in and we will need to raise $1700 for the roof repairs and the eaves troughs. 

I know that this is a difficult time to be taking on something like this , but we know that the finances do not dictate the needs , but the needs dictate the finances, and right now we are dictating $1700 !

Over the years we have done many renovations on the buildings there, and a lot of those problems are a result of water damage .  Here are a few before and after photos of the past repairs , if you look you will see all of them have foundation problems.  The cement and mud buildings are porous , then the freezing temperatures cause the water to freeze and cause the bricks to crumble. 

I think the best time to do this would have been last year, but the next best time would be right  NOW..

We are going to go ahead and order the materials to get this started , and pray for the funds to come in quickly.. If you would like to be a part of this blessing, you can donate at the top right side of the blog ... Thank you so much  

Kamala and her coworker did the shopping for the homeless shelter today and will deliver in the morning. 

The coal deliveries went late into the night 

They also went to get the gas stove for Svetly Put orphanage , but the one they wanted was not available any more so they will talk to the orphanage and try again tomorrow.  

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Blessed to be a blessing.

It was such a great day for so many people today.  All around the valley families received coal and food.    We have been so blessed. So many of you have come forward to help us making an impact.. We know that we are blessed for one reason.. So we can be a blessing to others .  Our team has worked tirelessly being the catalyst to be that blessing , and through it they have experienced  great blessing 

There are just so many people who due to the covid restrictions have been out of work and after 11 months, and savings dwindling, the numbers of people in need is growing.  
We have about 500 more bags that the boys are bagging up today,  This has us caught up right now but I am sure that more needs will come forward .

In the city our folks we also busy packing and delivering groceries . 


along with these food packages , we have also added in some extras like vitamins, clothing and blankets.  

Tomorrow they will be delivering to the homeless shelter and picking up the gas stove for the orphanage .