Wednesday, May 01, 2013

A few weeks to go , time re-examin possibilities .

Lots going on today .. I will post some pictures later..

Sergey and Anya will be here in a few minutes , we are heading over to the Baby orphanage to get work started on new windows and doors for one of the buildings there .. I want to take another quick look to see about doing some plastering and painting as well once the windows are in ,  to make a real difference .

Then we are off with some friends here to go out to the Chui orphanage to be there when they bring new shoes to the kids ... over 200 kids there .

As well we are getting new shoes for 270 men at the mens home ,  this is a joint project with Bekah and her connections with iam1ru, and one of our sponsors .    We want to have every thing ready for next week when our friend Jeff joins us .

Speaking of Jeff joining us , I just received word that our friends in Norwood have donated the funds to rebuild the playground in Ivonofka children's hospital, and Jeff will be bringing swing seats with him when he comes .  We still need out door furniture and sand box toys for the kids there, Bekah is trying to raise funds for that over at iam1ru  follow this link  if you would like to help with that .. we would like to have everything in place next week for this dream .      Speaking of dream , Jeff will be bringing with him a lap top for the hospital as well.. right now , everything is on paper, and they would like to start converting to electronic files there. I was able to get a really good deal on a laptop and carrying bag for $200 so I have gone ahead and ordered it in hopes that someone would like to sponsor it for us .

we do have a few other events that we are scheduling before we go if anyone is looking to be involved , they are not yet sponsored .. maybe it would be good to put a list of some of the things we are working on and aprox. prices in case your heart is tugged...

food drop at the Dump  .. $200
food drop at the seniors home ...$400
operation and recovery for widow of our friend from Bazaar ... $600
ice cream and banana's at the Tokmok home for disabled ( new project)  ...  $250
"Svetly Put" kids to dinner and a movie ( iron man )... $300
Mountain retreat at the hot springs over night with those we work with ( planing for the future )...$300
Skating party with at risk youth .............$300
East city to the mountains for a day ....... $400
new glasses for a couple kids we support ...$150
walls repaired and painted for baby orphanage .. $400
step up the food for university students during the last few weeks .... $500
pictures printed and handed out to kids from orphanage and village ....$200

of course there are a multitude of other needs  some larger and some smaller , but these are the ones that would be good to do while w are one the ground here ..

say it fast and it's not so bad...hahhaa
if you would like to help with any of these, you can find the appropriate donation button on the right side of this blog . then watch the blog for updates ..

Stay tuned, I will post some photo's later today .

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