we were up and out of the house by 5:45 this morning , and out to the farm. We had 13 guests staying with us last night. It was a team of dentists that were running a clinic at the orphanage just about 15 minutes from the farm . They were a great bunch, and it was nice to meet them .
They had breakfast at 7 and on the road by 8, then the rooms were cleaned, the beds striped , sheets washed and back on the beds by 11:30 when a group of 5 guests arrived at the farm where they will spend the next 5 days .
We then went a couple doors over to see the next addition to the farm. We took possession of it 4 room yesterday. It will have a micro industry , wood working, and leather work will likely be the main business here. The 4 room house will have room for 2 single moms with their kids, and the field will be able to be used to expand our gardens next season. Tomorrow morning Jengish is back to the land registry office to close the deal on farm #4 about 4 doors down from the first farm . This farm will have a home suitable for a family in need, and the land there will make a great pasture for our goats and possibly sheep. It will also be a good activity field for when we have kids out to the farm.. they can play soccer etc. there. Tomorrow I will get some pictures of these two new properties..
Julies bags arrived today, and Bekah went in and did registery stuff at school then when to the Aeroflot office and picked the bags up.
So while Julie and I were helping the medical team, and getting the group of five settled, and meeting with a foreign University team making plans for the summer, Jengish and Emma were taking a third team to the orphanage and to the mens home to bring donations, and meeting the five at the bus stop and arranging the trip to the farm. The then took the third team to the mountains to check on the bees and the cows, bring food and water to the farm for the five, then get the fields bailed.
When we cut the barley , there was left what looked like a small windrow of hay that we were not sure whether to bail now or wait until the clover grows a bit first before bailing. We decided it would be best to take it off now so that it does not spoil the crop under it .. and it was a good thing .. we got 300 bails.. one more time we are amazed at how everything is growing .. at this rate we will be bailing again in a few weeks and likely get as much as 1000 bails on the second and third cuts .
Sun up till past sun down , but a very productive day .. Julie and I sat down for supper at 10 pm tonight. I felt kind of bad because I know that Emma and Jengish are still out at the farm stacking hay .. there was so much grain that came in , that the driveways are full of piles of grain, so the hay had to be stacked at the gates until the grain can be cleared.
Its quite a thing .. truck loads of hay and grain backed up to the gates, the produce ripening on the vines, the beans are 4 feet long , the sunflowers are 14 feet tall .. The team has worked so hard trying to keep up .. Every time I look out into the fields I see workers busy tending to the crops .. Just when I could start to get overwhelmed , as I know Jengish and Emma are, I remember that in a couple days we have friends from our home town that will be coming to help . And boy are they going to be kept busy. The fields are ripe but the workers are few. Maybe what I need to do is hire in a few extra workers for the next few weeks to get ahead of things .. Here are few photos from our day.
Julie and goosey out in the garden as the sun comes up |
Breakfast for the team |
the car port makes such a great dinning room |
walking threw the garden on the way from one farm to the other. |
Gossey was so happy to be able to visit today |
I sat down to have my coffee and he ran right over and sat with me and snuggled his head onto my shoulder for a hug , and shattered away just like he did when he was a baby .. |
Enjoying sunbathing on the farm |
the trucks arriving from the fields |
the first of many loads |
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