Having a separate building will help the organization of the hospital, keeping the halls clear of people, and allowing the staff to do their jobs with out the constant stream of traffic. The other big benefit of a separate clinic, is that illnesses can be kept better isolated, and people can be admitted as needed and as beds become available . This will really cut down on any cross contamination.
But I think the greatest benefit is to the emotional well being of the patients ..
Facing health issues with your kids, as any of us who have kids know, Is a stressful and emotional time. That situation is compounded when you feel like you are being neglected or ignored. Like you have to fight to be heard. The new waiting area is warm and inviting.. It says to a waiting mom "We care about you , and we want to help you." No more standing in the rain and snow.
Through this door is the future exam room. We framed it at the same time as we built the waiting room. the floor is in , the first stage of the walls is done, and the windows are in . This part of the clinic is $1000 away from completion and just waiting for a sponsor and it will be open as well . If any one is interested or you know a group that would be interested in this project please let me know. either the Exam room at $1000 or maybe your group would be interested in working toward construction of the final stages in the spring. The foundation and side walls are already started , so to finish we will be looking to raise $6000.
As you can see, this clinic is not just practical, but built to high standards using quality materials. Anyone could be proud to have their donation dollars attached to this project. It really is a cut above.
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