Can you believe, we are still getting food supplies out of the garage Back when the team was there in the fall, they did a huge shop for us, and since that time, daily those in need have benefited from that. Today the kids went to the garage to stock up our own cupboards .. Bekah feeds those living at the apartment as well as a multitude of others that come for a meal when they have more week then money, or just need to touch base and know that they are not alone. Over at Jenish and Emma's they do a lot of cooking for the homeless. Its great that along with brining base supplies to the shelter, they go a minimum of once a week and cook a nice hot meal ... with meat... They also picked up some hand knit dolls that they will be bringing with them to the treatment orphanage in a few hours when they go to help Sergey bring banana's .. stay tuned .
Part of the Christmas celebrations , they will be cooking some meals at the apartment for some of the kids in the orphanage and those out of the orphanage at risk . There are two benefits to this, one is that they will be able to save a lot of money rather then going to a restaurant.. something we need to be very careful about this year . The best reason is that who else would invite orphanage kids for a meal in their home... that makes it super special. the kids just love it when they can come as well. So they picked up the little tree we had in storage and will start decorating .
Of course just when you start to get ahead, or a bit of organization, there is always a CHANGE OF PLANS. Kamala came home and shared a desperate need she heard about .. A young mother who was eight months pregnant lost her baby about 10 days ago. During the process of trying to save the baby , the mother nearly died.. she lost a lot of blood. Being in the hospital all this time, today when she was released, there was no food left at her house, and the family had used all their money to save her. As soon as Bekah found out about this need , she and Kamalla bagged up the food that they had just brought home, along with some vitamins, and headed over to help get this mother settled and food in their bellies. so I guess she will have to try again tomorrow .. I can just imagine the feeling of relief when they showed up with food and care . just a simple actofkindness..
Since returning this fall, you may have noticed that I have been putting in a lot of plugs for us to perform these actsofkindness not just in Kyrgyzstan but where ever you are . For the last couple days I have had the chance to put my words into action. I have had the privilege of helping pack and deliver Christmas food hampers in my Canadian home . Each family received a large tote full of food, and a big bag of toys and or clothes for the children in the home.
It was such a blessing to have a chance to deliver some of these today .. their is an expression on a persons face that bridges the globe. It does not mater if you are in Central Asia or Central Ontario ... when you show love in a real and tangible way, people recognize it, and their lives are changed.
Thank you to every one who has donated here , there , and in your home town to reach out to those otherwise hurting and or lost this Christmas season.
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