Monday, June 22, 2015

Harvest time

Just talking with Emma and Jengish, and they told me that this week they will begin the harvest.  They will pack hampers and take them to the various locations like the seniors home the homeless shelters and the orphanages .   

One of my favorite things to do is walk through the garden and check things out .. so you can join me here is you like . 


long row of zucchini down the right , 

tomatoes are starting to form 

Cabbages and sunflowers 

sweet peas

sweet corn 


perfect for pickles 

strawberries are ready too

onions are starting to bloom as well , Mesha had been charged with bug duty , you can see him in lots of the photos picking bugs and spot spraying 

carrots, broccoli, egg plant and corn 

swiss chard , hourse raddish 

sweet corn 

Acelbek irrigating the crops 


spaghetti squash is blooming now 

the lonely little petunia in the onion patch is not so lonely any more 

cucumber patch 

lots of zucchini ready 

things are doing great over at podgorna as well 

lots of beans 

the back of the house is almost done.. great job Kolya  

Goosey likes his new play toy .. the cat is not so thrilled 

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