Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Baby hospital update " you can just imagine "

Over the years we have been working to help the Baby hospital with our friend Sergey ,  I shared about the baby food that so many of you have helped us supply them.  It is also the same hospital where we are building a new clinic.  One of the things we helped with a while back is an oxygen ventilator and oxygen meters .   The babies are checked regularly for their oxygen levels and when they dip down they are put on the machine to bring them up to a safe level.   Ideally they would be put on the machine and left there, but with so many kids and only one machine they share .    

A few weeks ago the friends of Sergeys from Norway came to the hospital with us to see the work that we have done there.  They saw the ventilator being shared and decided to do something about it, and they sent money for a second one.  

It arrived yesterday, and last night two more seriously ill babies arrived .. If the second machine had not been there , they never would have been able to keep up with the demand.. 

you can just imagine how thankful this little ones mother is that the necessary medical equipment was available 

We are so thankful that with support of many of you we have been able to make such a difference 

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