Our son Benjamin will be here on the 24th. We are not the only ones excited about this. One of the things that sets us apart from many others here is our family approach, We do things as a family, and promote family values. the children we help think of our girls as there sisters and us as parents.. the senior we help are our parents and grand parents... and they all ask regularly about their brother, nephew and grand son that they have never meet. They now are all sharing our excitement to have him with us ..

Just last night, Altynai here with Emma, was sharing how nervice she was to meet him she says that she has dreamed of meeting him for so long, but now so close, she can't believe she will get to see him... He is going to be very busy. His family back in Canada not only wanted him to have a chance to visit us and see what we do, but they understand that to make a true impact costs money... not a lot, but it does cost, and they want him to experience it all, so they have chosen several projects for him while he is here, to read more about what he will be doing, and follow the trip from his perspective you can go to his blog.
Today we are heading to the bazaar to pick up some supplies for a young family that we support then picking up David and Jayne and going ot see them . We hope to meet up with Tanya, Larisa's Daughter who is home now.. Larisa is still away, but we can not wait any longer, there is to much to do, so we are hoping that Tanya will be able to help us for a few days to get caught up.
Tonight we will be going to visit the families we are helping from the south. We stooped there last night, and I gave them money to make Ploff for us tonight , we will have all our family , Sergey and Anya and family, and David and Jayne . We will set up some time of counseling , English lessons and fellow ship with them. We are still not sure exactly what it is, but we know that we are to spend time with them.. even the girls have come away and confirmed it with us.
Tomorrow we will figure out to get the last of the mattresses, blankets and 3000 lbs of grain to town so they will be ready to ship out next week.
Tomorrow will be our last day with our boys before they move to Sergey and Anya's it was supposed to be last Tuesday, but none of us were ready for that so we postponed it a few days.. We have decided that once a week we will have an English only supper here at the apartment for all the kids, and once a week we will have English conversation cub with them. That will give Sergey and Anya a couple nights a week alone.. something they will need with all that goes on around here.
Yesterday we had Torat here working in the apartment. The balcony we put on a couple years ago is a high traffic area and the paint on the walls was starting to show it. We still had half a can of the original paint, so Torat scraped re plastered and sanded then put a fresh coat of paint on for us.. he did a great job. It is only about 7 feet by 9 feet, but averages 10 people around the table every night, then is cleaned up and becomes an office and homework room at night.
Tomorrow we have to go over to a apartment we have arranged to use close buy. we will give it a quick dusting and stock it up with water and pop and a few supplies. We may not need it, but our place can be very ... shall we say ..wild at times, and we wanted to be able to offer an alternative for our guests if our life style becomes a little over whelming to them ..hahha.. actually now that I think about it.. maybe it would not be such a bad place for ME.
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