There is a good size patio, but not comfortable for more than 20 people. Our team was able to dig out the side of the hill surrounding the building so that a retaining wall could get built, sand spread, then all that was still needed to do was lay patio stones to increase the usable space.
We worked on clearing thistles from the property, and more sand was dropped on the new sports area.
This was also the day our final team members arrived, Igor from Texas, and our local translators Nikolai and Kamala.
Working alongside the boys from the farm, especially with the language barrier beginning to be overcome, was very moving. It was hard work, but good work, and anyone who knows me knows I loved
every moment of it. “We worked for God with all of our hearts” was the quote to come out of the day. I FaceTimed my kids later on and told them dad was playing real-life Minecraft—chiseling away the rocks from the side of a mountain.
Ended the day with another trip to the hot spring, going back and forth between the steaming hot pool (fed right out of mountains) and the freezing cold pool (fed from the streams melting off the snow caps).
I remember when John & Julie spoke in Brantford years ago as they began sharing their vision for The Farm, before the land was all purchased, and it was in the planning/fundraising stage and was being developed…. Seeing how it has grown and operates was so rewarding! In addition to the boys, they have 4..? other staff hired to manage the farm, care for the guest houses, and oversee all their infrastructure/operations/details.
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