We had the incredible honour of being invited to the home of Ellis, the village chief, for our final meal in Kyrgyzstan. John had me sit in a pretty specific spot and let me know that my mission was to eat non-stop from the time food was served until we got up to leave. Y’all, I was so happy. John and I literally ate 1/4 of a lamb between the two of us
and the feast was insanely…Spoiled again.
We were able to exchange gifts and words, and you could genuinely tell Ellis was happy to have had us blessing Rot-Front with our work.
It has been a hard year for water .. the irrigation canals are mostly dry , and even the town tap water is rationed so we often have no water a couple days at a time . Because of this we have set up water tanks that we can store water in and bring water ourselves down from the mountain in the truck to refill.
We have these tanks connected to the Kitchen and guest house with a pump so that with the turning of a tap we can have water. One of the projects I will be doing when we get back in the fall is to set up a tank like that at the house Julie and I stay at .. it has the laundry facilities, the cafe and the water for the chickens and rabbits, so that makes water a little more then a luxury there . We have found a couple of tanks that had been used for vinegar rather then chemicals.. they are $100 each so as soon as we find a sponsor for that we will purchase them if they are still available .
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