Today was a full day, We began with a trip to the bazaar to do some shopping for the projects , It was fun to fill the truck , steel and sheet mettle to to weld a garage door , as well as a welder. We bought a chest freezer. It was part of a donation from a group in Germany that are sponsoring all kinds of work on the farm , by next week it will be full of meat.
We got about 20 bags of cement to start on the foundations of the barns and green house , as well we picked up some new beds for the farm. Then I got some mettle brackets and some shelving to convert our balcony into a place to start the seeds .
We are planting about a thousand seeds this year. Once the are started , they will move out to the green house for the summer.
At around 3:00 we had the truck all loaded up and headed for the farm . It was quite a load, but the truck handled it no problem . Once we got it all loaded up we did notice that the back tires are old and starting to check on the side walls , so while at the bazaar we bought 2 new tires . not bad, both tires and inertubs for $100 total .
This kind of truck is nick names "tadpole", but I think I will call it "Polly" .. as in "Polly"wog
As we pulled up we could see the new blankets out airing out on the fence.. They are all new, and will be on the beds for the teams that will be here in about 10 days .
Lots of new life on the farm , babies every where, but the most precious is Baby Masha who now lives there with her mother.
Not to be out done, The piglets were calling for attention
Goosey was happy to see us again as well , This time she ran from me at first then as soon as one of the boys brought her over to me, I thing she felt silly , and was quick to relax and start telling us the stories of her long winter .

we found the newest calf beside the feeder sun bathing .
Any one who heard us speak this last winter will appreciate this photo of the lilac tree, the fruit trees and the dog house !
We began laying out the green house today , It will be impressive I am sure .
Our boys are out standing in their field ... Literayl .. This marks the out side area of the green house ,
It will have two long buildings , each 16 feet by 72 feet , and will be connected at one end by a furnace / pump room and a work bench area . This will maximise the sun face of the greenhouse , and allow for maximum heating .
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