Monday, January 25, 2016

And on the third day the SON shone .

Today was a very bright day for our friends in Kyrgyzstan . Just three days ago they thought that they would loose there house and they would have no home for their kids in the middle of the winter.  

First thing this morning Larisa and Tanya were at their home to present an offer to them and draw up the contract.(not to mention a food hamper)  

 So here was the deal , they would be given a 5 year interest free loan for the full $2000 US that they needed. That would come to $33 a month.  Understanding that they are still paying off some family for the first loan, we forgave the first 2 1/2 years of the loan.  this will give them time to be more financially stable and for the kids to get a little older and in school so that the demands on their time is not so great.  We also feel it is important that they do contribute themselves toward the home.  as the funds are repaid, they will be used to provide food and other needs for other families that Larisa and Tanya help.  

  Next, they met with the person that the family  had purchased the house from, and paid off the loan, and received a discharge and the deed for the home. 

The home is theirs..and they have the documents to prove it. This family has faced so much over the years.  They absolutely could not believe that people like you would come forward and help secure their future.. In a day and age where there is so much turmoil in the world and is seems as though no one cares.. today they experienced a greater outpouring of love then they ever could have imagined ...  and once again we have seen how 

through your love and support, we have seen
"what a difference 3 days can make."

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