Visiting the next baby to receive the operation for her Hydrocephalus

work crew at the children's centre

one of the kids in the village

Showing Dave and Gennett how the Samavar works

And I am trying to help Aigoola catch up with the mattresses

Kids getting new coats and boots at small orphanage in town

one of the new heaters we installed.... one of eight

Even the Bees are getting their winter coats on... thanks to Aigoola

The cows at the rehab centre will have a home in time for winter as well.... We have purchased enough honey and preservatives at wholesale rates to pay to put the new roof on. The honey will then be distributed to those we are supporting

Vera gets a new bike to help her save some time when she goes around to check on all the seniors she supports.

A new boy at the orphanage is a little shy of us.... My heart breaks for these kids ... it must be so hard when they first arrive...

more food dropped off... soon they will be ready for winter.... thanks to those who are sponsoring kids here...

Delivering humanitarian aid to the dump

two boys that have lost their parents since I was here last... they now live at the dump 24/7

new hand knit dolls from the Hastings knitters....

One more trip to the Baurana tower... I am now a local and do not have to pay to go

this is the lady we brought from the man hole to the seniors home in the spring

this is the kitchen in the apartment attached to Vera's help centre... she is waiting for funds to renovate

kitchen sink at olga's centre before renovations

Aigoola is getting ready for winter

addition to the barn is finished

this makes Benjamin Happy

new heating pipes for the seniors home

still lots of work to do, but it is well under way

walls are all striped down at the hospital and as soon as the cement dries, they will start putting ceramic tiles on them

The kids at the Orphanage love their new playground thanks to our friends in the United states.... there was a team from Rockford here that did all the work.

a new class room at the children's learning centre

another room at the learning centre... not sure what is with the bed, but there was so much going gone, I did not stop to ask... one day it may make sense... or not

but I do like the new bath room ... one more sit down that I will always have access to... yay

new hot water and pipes at the learning centre

play room at the Olga's children's centre

Christina's Baby

how is that for a pot hole....

A little boy in the village on his way to the party with his stool under his arm

Arophat and his dad showing me how he can count......The best part is that is was outside at community event... no more shame....

look close under the tap and what do you see....All on there own, the Pop is served cooled... I am rubbing off.....

another smile thanks to our sponsors

New kitchen sink in Olga's learning centre

A class room in the learning centre
Thanks so much for all these pics! Such a blessing!
This makes my heart so glad :) What wonderful pictures!!!
two words, "Oh My!"
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