Wednesday, June 26, 2024

We are ready for more coal

The second load of coal was delivered today and the boys have just finished bagging it all up.

We are all set and ready to order the next truck load when we have the funds .. we have a bit left from the last donations as the price is still down , so we are looking for $700 to purchase the next load.  Please let us know if you can help.

The gardens are doing great , Max is doing a great job,  It is a lot smaller because of the drought conditions but with careful gardening and the drip erigation, We are expecting almost the same yeild as previous years .   Since we have the tomatoes closer together this year and watered at the base , we are able to steak them up and grow verticaly 

A friend from a neighboring village brought us a gift to the farm.  He had some contacts who came from Germany and brought us a spade.  one that the handle will last more then a week .  

The boys are also working on a new out house for at the guest house property . 

It has a welded frame , and is now carried out to the end of the Bee patch  to be picked up by the truck .

And a reminder that Julie and I are going to be in Santa Rosa Beach this weekend and will be sharing at the Sunday morning services .
  8:30AM | 10:00AM | 11:30AM



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