Thursday, June 13, 2024

Fathersday Scholarship fund

 Things kind of got away on me this year with regards to Fathers day.   My biggest reminder that it is coming up is that I have started to get some requests for TUITION suport for several of the kids we know. 

Now is when the kids are enrolling into collage and university, and with it the tuition payments are due.   Depending on the school and the program, many of these tuitions range from about $500 to $1000  for the year.   the numbers are in and this year We are looking for about $15000 to be able to cover for those we have alredy started suporting and those that have asked that we start suporting this year.

So if you are trying to thinks of something to get dear old dad, why not make a donation on his behalf.  It is allso an opertunity to make a donation in memory of your father .   This is an opetunity to bless a child who has not had the benifit of a loving father and is trying to make it on their own.  

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