The first up and probably the most urgent are a few operations needed and some more dental work.
Later this week Nurlan will be going to the dentist again. His has been a long and difficult process. With his cleft pallet and still open roof of his mouth , it becomes more complicated . He has teeth all over the place but not where they are supposed to be. It has meant very difficult surgeries as they are concerned about teeth being tangled up with nerves in his head. His next treatment will be about $400
Next up is Marat. Marat has had a couple surgeries as well as corrective glasses and a high dose Vitamin supplement. All this was to simply stop the degeneration of his sight. It has gone extremely well, and he has gone from a -9 to now about -7 . With out these surgeries, he would have been blind by now. We are told that there are a couple more surgeries that he can have that can actually restore his vision they say that he will likely end up with -2 or -3 and possibly even better. the next surgery will be about $600 and is scheduled for a couple weeks from now.
Next up is Ulukbek. He is the father of the family living at the farm, and is the guy that cares for the sheep goats and the cows. A couple days ago he was in a lot of pain with his teeth. We had a couple teeth pulled and one filled, but he will need another $200 worth of work as soon as we can find a sponsor for this.
The green houses are coming along great. I will be heading out to the farm later today to prepare the beds and tomorrow we will be planting the first greenhouse. The original funding was for one green house, but we realised that if we did two at the same time we would see a very significant savings on the second one because everything was in place and we could buy in larger quantities and get discounts. We have one ready to plant, but are about $1000 over budget ($7000 budget) and have one ready. we have decided to focus now on this one, but will have to wait until funding comes in to finish the second one and have it up and running. The second green house still needs doors and the heating system before it will be ready .. so we need about $2500 more to have the entire project up and running with TWO fully functioning green houses.

The next project is a large one . This is the Kindergarten in the village see more here. But briefly the project is so open a day care that will serve 8 villages, and allow families to keep their kids out of the orphanages and or provide proper care while the parents are working . The original project was for $15 000 . we have some donations in now, and we have looked at how we may be able to get things up and running on a smaller scale until we find the rest of the support needed . If we can come up with another $3000 we will be ready to open.
Next up is some work to the kitchens at the farm . The main kitchen was designed for a small family, and nothing like the volume we are doing . As well the garage has been converted to a kitchen with large kazans for cooking . We would like to do a make over on both . we would like to get more functional shelving for the plates and pots etc, and a larger double sink for washing. as well as better ventilation. Right now when we get both kazans and the ovens going it gets a little steamy. another thing we would like to do is to put in a large glass wall closing in the end of the car port where we eat. this would allow us to use the large dinning area year round. To do these two projects in the kitchen and the dinning area will be about $1500 each.
The sheep and goat barn is almost finished. The animals are moved in and the upper level is full of hay, but we still need to parge the outside with cement and put the tin on the front and two sides . This will only take a few days, but will cost about $500 for the materials.
And finally, there is the pie in the face challenge where we are hoping to bring Christmas celebrations to about 1000 orphans , children from poor families and those in institutions . to do this we need 20 people who would be willing to get a pie in the face and post it on social media if their friends donated a total of $500 for the cause .. this is always great fun both here in Kyrgyzstan and in the communities of those who participate. the challenge will begin on November 14 ( my birthday) and run until November 24 (Thanksgiving day) right now we have 6 challengers so we need 14 more of you that would be willing to take one for the kids.
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