Today I wanted to tell you a bit about Jengish . He is one of my go-to guys in Kyrgyzstan. He seems to have connections everywhere .. and is always eager to help.. but I think the reason we get along so well is because he likes to have a good time.
Facing the things that we do, it would be to easy to live in a state of dis-pare.. with Jengish, nothing is predictable.. but it's always fun. especially for the kids that we are working with .. They all love him ... mostly because they can read him right away and know that he cares for them.

This is a video of Jengish back about 5 years ago when his main focuse was working with people living on the street
Jengish continues to work with and advocate for the homeless, but now he is also the Kyrgyzstan director of a drug rehabilitation program that has one of the highest success rates in the world. Daily he hears the tails of abuse and neglect, all the reasons that would bring a person to a place of living on the streets. Many have no documents, have escaped from slavory, and are living in the sewers and back ally's. At night when we are all thinking it is a good time to settle down for the night , and stay in out of the dark, Jengish is preparing for what can be the most challenging part of his day ... going out onto the streets to show MERCY.....
Jengish has been a supporter of the pie challenge for a couple years now. You may remember this video from when he met his goal last year .
This year , the people that are in Jengishes care ... the lost and the forgotten.. will be part of the pie challenge. I am honored by the relationship that we have with Jengish and the work that he does. It is inspiring to meat a young man that not only cares deeply for his country, but is a driving force in making life better for so many.
Any one that has traveled to KG with us has met Jengish, and would agree with me when I say .." He is one of a kind"
Lets send Jengish a big thank you by making a donation to the pie in the face in his name .
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