Miracles are all around us if we take a moment to look. Lets not always focus on the Bad but the Good .Remember Sasha .. The boy that they thought was paralyzed... Well here is the latest update
"Sasha is good.
He lives in the center .
Sasha began to move his foot and stand, his head was not dizzy, his leg began move in the right position.. he is very happy ..Every time when we speak he is thankful the people who help him.. "
Another Miracle .. Tanya's grandmother had recently lost her Son and her Daughter, and was depressed .. Today cooked a Ploff celebration meal for 200 men at the mens home ..
I bet the men saw the miracle here
Three days ago while starting to raise funds for a massive food delivery to families , we felt the challenge to get garden seeds delivered at the same time so that families will be able to plant and grow their own food. We had no budget for this and today the seeds were purchased, paid for and are being packed in family sized packages for delivery .. Not something we ever could have done on our own, but people listened to Gods prompting and made this possible .
Marat , a boy who came to us almost blind .. had his eyes repaired . went to art school , and now apprenticing with an auto body shop, as well as furniture maker .. last week was able to purchase his own air brush and table saw .

Two years ago we raised funds to purchase a truck for the farm . The one we had our eye on was more then twice the price we could afford. A few weeks ago one that is much newer and 4wD came available , and we were able to trade in our 15 year old Subaru plus $1500 and we are the proud owners of a 4 year old Porter heavy duty crew cab. A miracle and a blessing.
Here is a big one .. Vlad, Alina and Artur will move into their new home shortly after completing some repairs .. This is their first home .. an exciting step for them .
Getting kids from an orphanage and poor families in to a dentist is almost impossible, and the kids that come to us are always in terrible shape. Vera had a dream to set up a dentil clinic and find some dentists that would volunteer to come to her ... DONE ... this has to be a miracle
As we look at so many things that could never have taken place on our own or with out Gods intervention, I have to remind myself not to stress or get concerned when we are facing huge obstacles.
Tomorrow we will start packing food bags to give out .. $2500 for $250 bags.. we have $1200 so far for this , and we just found out that the price of a bag has gone up so now we need $1500 more .. This is huge for us, but as I look back at this post I see that it is not so hug for God . If you would like an opportunity to be a part of the great things happening, please take a moment and use the donate link at the top right side of the blog.