WOW ... Photo day... One of
iam1ru philanthropists has just brought an incredible day to the children at one of the orphanages we are active in.

These kids are for all intensive purposes a family...

they share life experiences with each other , the good times and the bad times.. in years to come they will remember life together just as we remember growing up with our siblings.

We have an advantage that many of these kids never get, and that is the benefit of family photo's.... Today these kids got a few more photo's in their album...

They day will come when even more then now, they are going to appreciate having this reminder of their family life.....
Thank you for your help making sure that the good times are not forgotten.
1 comment:
We just love reminiscing over our own old photos don't we? It secures our history, a knowledge of where we came from and a sense of belonging. These photos are so important in developing our character, our future and Hope for tomorrow. This is truly a Simple Dream with an extremely important know we are loved,
Dan :)
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