Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Update on Roof repairs needed

 We are doing great with the many needs that I have shared the last few weeks .  As soon as the funds transfer through the banks , our friend will be getting his new to him tractor.   The fence material has arrived and in a couple days the installation will begin at the playground .  We managed to find the breaks and repair and replace the plugs in the village water supply.  

One thing we have not had any movement on is the roof at the Kashar .  Just in this last month we have had 99 guests , many sponsored .. enjoy their stay .. the months not over , maybe we will hit 100.  
But that said, we really need to get started on replacing the old part of the roof .   We are looking for $1000 for the materials to get started .  Starting next week we have two weeks with out bookings as we have shut down and hoping to get the repairs done ..   We would be blessed if you would like to help with this need.  These repairs were not expected, but I know we can do them.

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