Saturday, May 11, 2024

Finding the problem

This week the boys have been working on the village water supply.  They have managed to get the water flowing again , but they did find one big problem.

There was a section of a mud slide wash out a few years ago .  The section of pipe replaced was replaced with a hose rather than the original 5 inch pipe .. and even then the pipe has been repaired a few times causing a significant reduction in water volume 

 What needs to happen is a 40 foot pipe needs to go in and be reinforced coming across the wash out .   So basically we are looking at about $250 to restore adiquet  water to the village .. this would benefit so many in the village besides us at the farm. 

The tractor made it over the mountain last night and today they are taking it apart to figure out what is needed for repairs .. I will keep you posted. 

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