A few days ago I shared with all of you about a great story of provision. 16 kids medical needs were met in one night at the Norwood Ladies Christmas Gala event. The night ended at around 10 pm ..
that's 9am Kyrgyzstan time, So the moment the Gala was over, those on the ground in Kyrgyzstan began the process of getting the needs taken care of. One of the first up was our young friend Tilek. He was eager to get his new corrective glasses. but like most things, the story does not end there .

Here is what I did not share...
Tilek will need one possibly two operations . The they will know for sure at his next appointment in a few weeks . The first operation would be scheduled for mid January, and the cost for the operation alone will be $400 (1/2 price because he is from an orphanage), then we will also need extra care for him, medications, and probably more glasses .. my guess is that it will be about $550 total . Julie and I were discussing it, and I said lets wait until we get the pie challenge over with before we share this need.... we have asked so much of people right now, and we are still so far off on the target for the Christmas parties .. Julies response was her usual... " Its not any of our business where the donations will come from, and not to worry about it." That was yesterday . Today we were having a dinner party with a couple friends that were just in Kyrgyzstan with us, and one of them brought to the party a check.. they had someone come to them and ask that they bring us this donation.. $500 for the pie challenge, and $556 for Tileks operation...
Its a good thing that it's not any of our business how this need was going to be met.. I have no idea who the sponsor is or how this all came into play, but like the need for our friend Acelbek a couple days ago, the finances were covered specifically BEFORE we ever shared it .. Thank you so much for helping us help them ...
and now you know the rest of the story.
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