I remember this card so well, because it was three days latter that my father died... what a difference that three days made ... It brought about a lot of pain, a lot of sacrifice, and most of all a hole lot of growing up for me.....
So why do I bring this up? ... I was just looking at some beautiful photo's taken when the PI team was in Port Au Prince a couple weeks ago... The pictures were full of such excitement.. they joy on the kids faces as the were in the Bazzar shopping for new cloths for the first time, the great meals, and the fun that they had playing with the team... In this photo you can see Sam and his son Scott ( Wearing the Kyrgyzstan t-shirt) teaching these boys a thing or two...

Three days latter, like 2000 years ago, the ground shook... three days later life would forever change for the people of Haiti, and for the Children in this home... and yes over this last week, the circumstances have brought about a lot of pain, a lot of sacrifice, and a whole lot of growing up. They watched the world around them collapse and swallow up all that they knew... they tore there new cloths into strips to make bandages and the Valley ball court they stood on three days earlier was turned into a medical clinic... and they took the little food that they had and used it to feed those around them...
I ask, "Why would those with so little be asked to give up so much, and do it willingly, and at the same time, those of us with so much be asked to give up nothing, and the little we do , we do reluctantly..." but one thing that I know for sure... A whole lot can happen in three days....
If you have not done so already, please help us restore that which has once again been taken from these beautiful children .... lets send a clear message to them that they are not alone, and we appreciate them stepping in at a time of crises and doing what we could with the little they had...
from the U.S. you can donate on the top right side of this blog, and from Canada, please go to www.iam1ru.com for instructions.
1 comment:
By the way...we got spanked in that game!
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