This brings me to our 9th day gift .. we have identified about 20 other kids that are going into this cold winter with out winter clothes. We would like to put together similar packs for them, including some coats as well . The cost of a winter pack is just $40 . Just imagine the joy that would bring to someone with nothing when one of our workers shoes up to their home with new winter clothes .. This could be the ideal gift for the person who has everything they need.
Not wanting to embarrass the families I will not show them this time, but I will take you for a little peek inside their one room home for mother and three kids. Kitchen , living room, dinning room and bed room. It makes me so blessed for all that we have and for all that we are able to give .. A sponsor told me once "God has blessed us so that we can be a blessing to others
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from Canada please use Canada helps link below
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