Monday, November 16, 2009

Jengish gets pied

Ok so the first pie has been thrown... check it out here....


Maria said...

What FUN!!!! A great little docu-drama!

Cindy LaJoy said...

HAHAHA! Not only did Jengish have fun getting pied, but it looks like someone had a blast with the making of the video! Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

looks like we all have a tough act to follow!!!!! Way to go Jengish.

Hilary Marquis said...

Hmmm...that was an interesting use of my wedding song! Hahaha! My kids loved this little clip. Anara said, "Do it again!" She has also agreed to put a pie in my face. She didn't want to earlier.

Hilary Marquis said... blog was open at the same time...playing my song! DUH!

Julie and John Wright said...

for a moment I thought you were married to Alferd Hitchcock music... poor Tim

Lori said...

I laugh and laugh every time I watch this!!!

I thought Hilary was making a joke about that music being her wedding song...I told my husband that was like our wedding! :)

Anonymous said...

We have all heard that music playing on our wedding days . Or at least in our heads.

Lisa said...

Nice! And fancy pie, too!!!!!

David and Jayne Schooler said...

YEAH Jenish...who is next?

jenish said...

wait, is it a joke about the music being the wedding song? it's a joke right? it can't be a wedding music.

I don't know who get pied next but I can't wait to see videos :)

Barb's Blog said...

Hahaha!! What a cute and clever video! I enjoyed it very much!!