Saturday, August 01, 2009

I wish I could afford a lawyer !

I guess our Courts have run out of things to do ... I wish I could afford a lawyer so I could get Moms house fixed!

WHITEHORSE, Yukon - The Yukon Supreme Court is to hear its first capital case in living memory when a judge decides the fate of a dog.
The two-year old German-shepherd-Rottweiler cross named Trevor was rescued from a home last January where he had been neglected to the point where his collar had grown into his body.
The Whitehorse Humane Society adopted him out, but Trevor was accused of biting people and turned into the pound this month.
The humane society says that, legally, Trevor should have been returned to them and that he remains their property.
They want to use provisions that allow people to keep dangerous dogs under secure conditions, but city bylaws call for Trevor's destruction.
If every dog has his day, Trevor's will be Aug. 6, when his case is expected to be heard.

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