Sunday, November 26, 2023

2023 Christmas WISH BOOK

 Welcome to the WISH BOOK for the Christmas Season 2023. 

I remember the excitement as a child when the wish book came out.  I would pour over it over and over for hours, circle things I wanted, and fold the pages over hoping that my parents would see.. It was a way of asking with out coming right out and asking. 

Its funny, I still have a hard time coming right out and asking, but as a voice for those who have no voice, it is an uncomfortable feeling I have learned to deal with.  Fortunately , you our friends and sponsors are gracious, and have even been contacting us to ask when the catalogue will be coming out .. So here we go. Sticking with the theme of  The twelve days of Christmas .   I will present the wishes all at once now, and then over the next 12 days I will highlight each of the wishes  

Day 1

Christmas In the orphanages and institutions.

Day two 
Christmas food hampers.  

Day 3 
Restock our farm chickens  

Day 4

Day 5 
Emergency food and coal delivery

Day 6 
Student care packages 

Day 7 
Christmas on the farm  

Christmas Celebrations is a time when the farm will be bursting at the seams , not just those that live there permanently, but those who have graduated from the farm and those away at school . Many of them will come HOME for Christmas. We could have as many as 20 home for the holidays.  We would like to be able to put on a special meal and have personalized gifts for them.  $25 a person could make this happen 

Day 8
Business Loans 
Student loan relief  
We have many opportunities to make a difference in peoples lives , whether it is a business loan to have a chance at a future, or student loan debt relief to clear the slates and start fresh.  

Day 9
 home makeover $350

Time to time we find families that are living in difficult situations. years of poverty often leave people living in not so nice situations and brings on depression.  It does not take much to go in with a team to Paint and wall paper a home, and restore HOPE to a family . 

This year we have three make over projects on the farm .  The main kitchen we would like to fix a wall in the kitchen that the paint is pealing and put down a new floor and give a spruce up paint job . 

The other two makeover projects on the farm are two of the washrooms to be renovated .  They are functional but could sure use a face lift 

Day 10 
Making memories $25 a person 

I have been recently reminded how happy memories can sustain a person for years. For only $25 we can give a great memory to a child.  Bowling , movie, circus, ballet, museum's,  dinner out .. the possibilities are endless if we have the recourses  .

Day 11
Dental, Medical and eye glasses 

Many of those that we work with require medical assistance of one kind or another. We are connected with several organizations that will either provide free or reduced cost care , but we still face expenses that we do not have other means to cover .  The average need is between $50 to $100 a person for required treatment. 

Day 12 
Simple dreams  Impact a life for $100 or less.  
Over the next week we will be uploading stories and opportunities as our team has opportunity to do the work  behind the stories, confirming needs , prices and how to best make it happen. stay tuned . 

1.  Lyubovs dream   Several years ago she survived cancer on her arm. Today she has a dream of having a   food processor, she has no opportunity to buy it and she would be happy to receive such a gift for Christmas. $75 

2.  One man who  lives in Rehabilitation centre .  He was recently diagnosed with HIV and is receiving treatment. He has a talent for repairing cars and dreams of having repair tools. He would be happy to receive such a gift for Christmas.  $90

3.   She is now raising one daughter and also lives in the rehab center.  She dreams of receiving a Christmas Gift one day.  We would like to get her a set of  dishes for the kitchen, a set of pots. $60

4. Hello, my name is Mirgul  Currently I study in KRSU University. My parents live in a village. Because of poor medical service in our village I never have been at the eye doctor before. My need and wish to buy an eye glasses. $100


4.  Hello my name is Nargiza. My Christmas wish is to have kitchen utensils and a blender, thanks $40

5 & 6. I have a couple wishes to add to the Catalogue they are two families that have the same desire......  to have an oven.  $80 

Down load this image and print it out to put in a gift card for that hard to shop for person.

Every year we finish off the catalogue with a BIG ASK for the

 This year we would like to upgrade the yurts .  after many years on the side of the windy mountain, the yurts are needing to be repaired  this season we had to shut them down before the season was over ..

We have been able to sell one yurt for enough to rebuild the other, and we would like to purchase 2 new yurts . They will be $1400 each. this will give us increased capacity at the kashar  

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