This makes me see RED !!!!

The Canadian Press reports today: Montreal- More then 100 rats have been handed over to humane society officials after inspectors visited a cramped Montreal apartment and found animals living under squalid conditions.
The article goes on to tell how rescue workers brought the Rats back to the humane society where their medical conditions were cared for, and they were all given baths and are ready to be adopted....
So who pays these people?... what did this little adventure just cost us.?... I get so sick of this "CRAP" !... Do we not get it are suffering, people are dying , all the while we are saving rats from living in squalid conditions.... I thought rats like squalor... I know my friends living back at the dump don't like it much, and I can not seem to raise the support to get them a bath and a new home, yet people continue to send money to the humane society.... I am all for treating animals well, but what is it about this society that in these rough economic times, we can still give money to rescue RATS, and Jengish and I had to walk away from our friends living in the dump because we do not have the resources to help them.......

Is it any wonder that we are such a mess, that life is such an emotional roller coaster. People say to us " It must be hard to go"... the truth is it is hard to come home when this is what we find.......... now please excuse me as I go puke !
Oh It has just come to my attention that I may have offended some of my readers that currently support the humane society ... if that is the case.... GIVE YOUR HEAD A SHAKE, and come back and see me when my friends are not so hungry.
I am just sickened on so many levels.
You are exactly's a matter of priorities and the fact that it is very easy and 'cool' to "Save the Rats" but human lives (especially far removed ones that they can act as if they don't exist) just can't be bothered with.
I have to say, I'm an animal lover...always have been. Hate to think of innocent animals suffering, and Lord knows we've given our donations to support the Humane Society, ASPCA and others.
Sure does put perspective on things, though. People. Innocent PEOPLE. Yeah...big difference.
BTW--what must an organization DO to make a RAT adoptable? Seriously.
I agree with you, John. Many people who have lived thier entire lives in developed, industrialized countries have absolutely no idea how well off they are in comparison to other less fortunate parts of the world. They have no conceptual basis or framework regarding how much suffering there is in the rest of the world.
These people set priorities winin the context of their own limited life experiences, and that's sad.
Oh my....they just don't get it! And to think the press felt the need to publish this! We struggle to get the funds for the Cabbage Potato Club to take food to the hungry - while the dear PEOPLE in the places where the food is delivered are praying the RATS won't invade their provisions.
Priorities are really confused here - PEOPLE OR RATS?
How about a little RAT poison! Sorry, they are rodents!
I tend to sympathize with animals more than people because animals are truly helpless. They depend on humans, humans often contribute to their suffering, and cannot make their lives better on their own. Unlike people, who many times (not all the time) got themselves into the mess they are in. People have the power to improve their lives. Animals do not. All of my monetary donations go to animals. I'm so glad those rats were rescued and I hope they all find great loving homes.
Anonymous, It sounds to me like you have never experienced the real world , and are sheltered by the abundance of the west... You need to stand over the bed of the starving and neglected babies in the orphanages, Or sit with the disabled men in the invalid home, then try to give me this line....
In the words of David Leterman...
"That ladies and gentlemen, is why the rest of the world hates us. "
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