Never a dull moment in the summer, and this summer is no exception. ut at Vera's, things have been under full swing again this year with the feeding program. With the construction of the playground, they have become the center for children's activity in town... not only do they run a daily program for the kids all summer, they provide a meal for them as well... many of these kids would otherwise be left alone for the summer while the parents work in the fields... I love seeing photo's like this, especially when I recognise the cloths and the Teddy bares that the kids have....( if you are viewing this post from facebook you will need to click
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This program has become such a draw, that they have had to consider how they will continue to support the kids on this level once the summer is over... I had shared a few months back about their desire to put on an addition so the could have a children's centre before winter.

I have just learned that the other 1/2 of the building that they are in has just come up for sale... the owner would like to move in the fall... who all would like to agree with me for the finances ($6000.) to purchase and open a new children's centre.... I have said it before and I will say it again.... Vera and Alic are good soil if someone wanted a pet project to do some planting in...

Summer is also a time when our friends open up a camp in the mountains that the children from the orphanage can attend... here is a family you may recognise ... look closely and you will see Benson ( Acelbeck ) up in the mountains for a visit with his family at the camp.

Summer is not just a time for play, it is also a time for work... I was just listening to Jengish saying that he needs to invest in a pair of gloves because his hands are all blistered from working so hard at the rehab centre.... He is young... he will get over it.... her also says that the bees are doing exceptional and they have a bumper crop, and the farm flowing with milk and honey will soon be supporting the work with the homeless.... His is not the only honey that is doing well.. Vlady's Goji berry honey is flowing as well... he also tells me that we have a bumper crop of potatoes this year as well.... We always hire Vlady to grow the potatoes for the families we support as well as the orphanage and Vera's feeding program...
He is not the only one working , Altynai will be working with Anvar ( the boy with the facial reconstruction Sergery) and his sister to help them get ready for school... For the next two weeks, she will try to help him catch up from his time away from school.... Another young lad we are helping is hard at work this summer ... This young boy has not been in school for several years because of a speech impediment... We have made arrangements for him to receive one on one speech therapy over with Olga at the Knowledge store... He does not have a sponsor yet, but at $50 for the summer, and a chance at a fresh start on life, we could not say no when his mother came to us... she has not been able to afford help for him since her husband died a couple years ago.

Torat and Acelbeck are hard at work as well... under the direction of Anya's brother, ( Christina's husband) they have been busy renovating an apartment that another very good friend of ours purchased.... Now you can just know that this is going to turn into one incredible storey when the time comes to share it, but all I can say is that I am sooooo pumped........ It has been very timely as the boys and their families where starting to get desperate for the food money....,

... Now Torats family will be missing him, but may be to busy to notice for the next little while... this next photo is of Sergey and Anya coming out of the shop with a new sewing machine that they had ordered for Igoola's mattress sewing business.... She is now into full swing with the materials and orders for the first 20 mattresses... we are also looking for some one to partner with us in a project for the rehab centre... we will be getting Aigolla to make the winter covers for the bee hives as well... we need 54 of them made... I think we have someone in place to purchase the materials, and now we just need someone to sponsor the labour and the transportation expenses... about $5 each.....

But wait ... the excitement does not stop there.... while this was going on, Sammy and 19 ladies were on the shop till you drop in the Ukraine...

they were taking children from the orphanages on shopping trips for new clothes... this is something I have had the privilege of doing a lot of, and it never gets old.... The joy and the excitement when kids who have NEVER had the opportunity to choose what they might where, never mind the colour, but will it even fit..

. when they get to the market and get to choose... it is simply over whelming, and the kids like it well in only Sammy style, they finished off the week with the fashion show of all fashion shows...

when the kids got the chance to strut their stuff down the runway, and enjoy a great celebration...... I'm telling you, these ladies hit one out of the park for these kids.....
Thats just some of the excitement of the last two weeks... stay tuned and we will see how the rest of the summer goes.
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