Monday, July 06, 2009

Broken Wings - The Orphans Edition!

This weekend a good friend of mine was in town to put on a concert... I still find at times that I am amazed at those that I am privileged to call my friend... In the last few years, we have developed an incredible group of friends, both in real time and on the Internet. Our circle of friends continues to grow all the time .. from California to Florida to Northern Ontario and so many stops in between... in fact the circle of friends is almost growing as fast here in North America as it is in Central Asia. but I digress.....

When Kevin was here, he shared with our friends a little about how he first met us... He had come to Central Asia with Sam, and had come prepared to sing anywhere and everywhere asked. I am sure that when he started out, he envisioned himself singing for grander and bigger venues then we had arranged... He shared with us the impact on his life when one of the first places he sang was in the home of one of the families that Larisa helps... The Grandfather had stomick troubles, the grand mother had cancer and could not get out of bed, the daughter had a brain tumor and was blind, and the grand daughter was in bed with something else for about three weeks .. I just can't quit remember, it was all a bit overwhelming... The house was dark and damp, and as Kevin says that her has more in his garage then the some total of their worldly positions...

Yet in this little room filled with such depression and desperation, Kevin sang as if he was standing on the stage of the ACC with the Gaithers. In fact likely a little better... There needs were far beyond the little bit of food we brought them, we had no "gold or silver" to bring, but we were able to let them know that they were special... an amazing thing happened that day, on our way out of the house, the little girl was up, running around and even waved goodbye to us from up the tree in the front yard.

Kevin received a special treat later that day...After serving lunch to families in the dump, and delivering chickens to an old babushka, we went out to the orphanage... What Kevin did not know is that we had gotten the kids a copy of a song he had not yet released. They learned the song, and during the concert when he thought he was going to sing to them, they all joined in on the corus... you will have to watch his reaction in this video

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