We hit the ground running this morning, Isar (James ) was here at 8:00 this morning ready to start the road show... We picked up the team from Cleavland, and headed first to the bazaar in the capital city. Bellow is Benson and James waiting for the team to arrive.
While at the Bazaar, along with purchasing souvenirs , we also picked up a set of weights and a couple cases of apples for the guys at the rehab centre. They were so thrilled .
One of things that we always talk about is restoring Dignity to those that we come into contact... After spending 6 months working hard to not just remain sober, but to change and entire outlook on life, you have to ask yourself..."Where is the dignity in pink flip flops?" so today we restored a little dignity and took the men to the Bazaar to get some new shoes....
This wonderful man is about to explode he is so happy ( he is doing his best to have the Central Asian scowl, but it's just not working for him.)
We moved in like a swarm into this shop... probably the most business she has had in a month...
Jengish was pretty excited too... he has a lot of himself invested in these guys, and this is something that is completely out of their budget...
Before leaving the farm, the group sponsored two of the 40 bee hives that are going in ... once all 40 are in place, the farm will be about 25% of the way to being completely self sufficient....

We moved in like a swarm into this shop... probably the most business she has had in a month...
After leaving the farm, we headed back to the village where we made a
quick stop at the orphanage, and I was able to touch base with an old Young friend .

quick stop at the orphanage, and I was able to touch base with an old Young friend .
You've made me smile from the inside out with that very special little boy. I know there are a few others that will be ECSTATIC to see him ;) Thank you for once again making time to encourage so many both in Kyrgyzstan and here.
It's my guy!! Oh my gosh, I'm so thrilled to see him AND hear him!! What a joy!! I want him home!!
It seems like you are having fun.. without me. :) you look tanned, dad. Say hi to Acyl (Benson) and Jengish for me. miss you and love you lots.
From your somewhat jealous daughter
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