"I remember the advice given to me from A.A. when we were at the height of our involvement with helping alcoholics at the motel. I was horrified by it but once I calmed down, it made sense - It was - "Dial 911, step over the body and have a good day." In other words, get the person the best help you have at hand and then get on with your life doing what you are called to do."
This is actually a practice that I have begun.... I was starting to get a little concerned that I am becoming desensitized to things here... maybe I am becoming hardened... but every now and then I realize that I am still vulnerable. maybe it is just how I am learning to prioritize.... ... I had a heart crushing moment today... A man that we have been trying to help made a Bad choice... We have been trying to help his family for a long time. He has a large family, and our lives have become so entwined, that some of his kids I feel like and treat like they are my own... All of our workers have given extra attention to try to bring stability to this family.... Yesterday, Gengish was able to make a break through with the father, and the father asked if he could please join Gengishes rehab program... This is the breakthrough I have been waiting for for a long time... We now have a starting place to begin restoration.... Today he went to the centre, had lunch and decided that he was not staying, and went home.... When his son met up with us in the capital city an hour later, I took one look at him and I could feel that crushing blow...Everyone says that sober , the Papa is a wonderful caring man..... my question is ... is it not that sober caring wonderful man that takes the first drink that brings carnage and destruction to those he loves... is this the sign of a good man ? ..... I guess I need to just call 911 and step over the body..... that does not mean that we are not devastated, but until he "comes to himself" there is nothing more that I can do for him, and I can't let him distract me from the rest of the day... I just waisted two trips to the city on him.... I don't have that kind of time ... there are to many others that are ripe for the harvest.
Like this man
How many times do we pass men like this in the front of the bazaar... they push themselves around on little carts they have made, and beg for money.... today with our friend Kyle, we did not walk past, we stopped and made a difference.....
We brought Ice cream for everyone, and packages of pastry, apples, socks and candy...
Here is our friend that is newly up and around out of his wheel chair... he was dancing to the music that Larisa's Family sang for them
Not to be out done, this man threw down his crutches and began to dance .... 278 men watched as he took his first steps
Tomorrow morning I am going early back to the village to let the parents of the little boy with the cleft pallet know that the operation has been fully sponsored for their son, and that the top cleft pallet surgeon in the country has seen the photo's we gave him, and that surgery has been scheduled for Monday morning... We also have sponsorship money in transit for an operation for a shunt for a Hydrocephalus baby that is in need.... I will share more about this in a post dedicated to this issue as it is something that I have developed a burden for, and I feel needs to be addressed more, but for Today, WE CAN AND WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.....
Simply amazing stories of transforming peoples lives.
The mens invalid home is brighter with each report and picture. Its a tough place to visit, I know:( ...But as with you, my heart and mind is continually drawn there....I always think that it will be the first place Jesus will visit upon His return.....until then, he has sent you....... sent us there to be His hands.
I know its a waste of time to tell you to slow down.......but stay healthy and safe.
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