We started the renovations at the barber shop today at the invalid home ... Every one was so excited.... I will tell more in a few days as the work is completed, but for now here are a few photo's from the day
Laurisa and one of the men mixing plaster ....
This man is watching TV in one of the rooms that we have already done... check out the classes or should I say glass...I think that some where one of his buddies may have one just like it...
The radio man was happy to see us again, and even played the spoons for tulip !
The "tulips" are such a wonderful addition!!! My grin stretches from ear to ear as I read all the wonderful stories. You are all in my thoughts.
Reminded again today ... therefore blessed again.
SO John...is it Jengish's photography the past couiple of posts or are you getting better?? Hahahaha!
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