More Christmas celebrations
But first I want to share some other great news
We are so proud of our Dustan . Today he took 4th place in all of Kyrgyzstan for his academician skills.

Dustan came to us early so Aigula became his legal guardian so he could stay at the farm. He had been a little behind his age because of the instability of life, but surround a child with not just the necessities in life, but with love and respect and amazing things happen . It became obvious to us that we had to challenge him more then the little village school could provide. Vlad was able to get him into one of the top academic private schools this year. He has been flourishing there. Dustan spends the week there and is home to the farm on the weekends. The tuition is very expensive ($200 a month), but we knew that it is something that we needed to do. What helped me to justify it is that really it is not much more then a University tuition, I just did not expect to be paying university tuition for him this early.... But today at one of the Top Universities in the country, he took to the stage to be recognized for his abilities. Because people like you, help people like us, love and support people like him.

So Back to the celebrations. Today was the Christmas with the blind society. This is an organization that we have been supporting for almost 10 years now. By working together to offer supports for each other, they are able to not just keep their kids out of the orphanages, but have HOPE for their futures. It is wonderful to be able to support this party each year. It is one of the highlights of the calendar for them.
I was going to post more pictures, but I I thought that I could not show much more then the thousand words that this picture shares, so just in case you did not stop to take a good look here it is again a little bigger ...
I don't know about you but this helps put me in the Christmas spirit !
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