Over the next few days I will be posting some Christmas wish items here on the blog. There are just so many needs. I think we all have those people on out list that are difficult to shop for as they already have anything they want. Well maybe this year for them we can SAVE A LIFE, IMPROVE A LIFE, or simply bring HOPE AND JOY to someone who might not otherwise experience it.
As I look over the list we have been compiling, I see things of all price ranges, so each day I will give a mixture.
Chemo therapy $800
This need came to our attention just last night. This is a family that we have been providing prenatal vitamins to. Half way through the last pregnancy the mother was diagnosed with cancer and has a tumor on her neck. They have a few problems here. They could dot do Chemo right away because she was expecting, and then they can not afford the treatment or the formula for the baby. But the tumor is reaching a point that they need to act now .
We would like to raise $800 to cover the chemo and other necessary treatement, as well as to provide formula for the baby so they can start right away.
Portable EKG $150
Many of you know our Dr Tatyana. She is a heart specialist and also works as a general practitioner for those that we come across in need of medical help as well as the kids on the farm. We have been bringing EGK paper and tabs for her EKG machine. These are hard to get and expensive. Now technology has advanced to the point that there is a quality portable device available that connects to a smart phone. It will record 30 seconds at a time and show the print out and also cane be downloaded in pdf format. This can be used as a preliminary test , especially on house calls. then if something is detected, then she can use her big EKG machine to confirm. (if the funds come in for more then one device, Dr Tatyana can train her colleges in the remote villages and leave them one )
Start up needs for a young Mom and Baby $100
This need is for a start up package for a young mom that is returning to the farm . This young mom was bridnapped twice , and came to live on the farm for a few months . Two years ago she got married, but thats when things went bad for her. As soon as she was married,m she was kept inside the home and he phone was taken away. After two years captive, she was able to get away with her daughter, and returned to the farm for help and a place to live. We were able to get her into a shelter where they have lawyers and social workers that are able to help her get all the documents and legal guardianship for her and the baby. Once this is done in a few weeks she will be able to register at the farm . We would like to have a few things ready for them when they arrive.
Coal for a family in need $50
We have been providing coal for families in need. and have set up depots around the valley so that we can respond right away when the need arises. Winter always seems to last about 2 or 3 weeks longer then people plan for and by February many are in trouble. We are looking for sponsors to help us meet the needs. Kind of adds a new understanding to getting coal on your stocking
Food hamper $25
We are collecting money now for food hampers that we will deliver over Christmas to families in need. Winter is an especially difficult time for many. Food prices are high, and work is scarce. then the added expense of heating and winter cloths for kids. Families that are already on the edge just can not cope. We would like to deliver about 50 of these hampers

Christmas gift and special event $10
It is not just the institutions and high profile places that are on our radar, Some times you need to get a little dirty so that you can truly make an impact, but when you do, I am telling you , it is worth it. After bringing Christmas to families at the dump Larisa told me it was the best Christmas of her life... WE CAN MAKE THAT HAPPEN,..
From Canada
If making a donation as a gift, you can right click on the certificate below and clock save , then print it out to add to a card
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