We need your help ....In only four weeks, Julie finishes work, and we are officially 100% full time / no income Humanitarian aid workers on our way to Kyrgyzstan. For years we have made sacrifices to be able to continue helping our friends... Now we are putting it all on the line. .. This week is so important to our families and our opportunity to return. If you have followed this blog over the years you will see the many many different areas that we are involved... so many lives touched and so many hearts changed.. from the streets to the orphanages and rehab centres to the seniors homes,
we have been able to bring hope and dignity to the hurting ... But this does not "just happen "... It happens because we are consistent.. the people know that we will be back ... they count on it... We have built up a trust and a repor with those that were are working with... I can assure you that not just anyone can pull up to an orphanage or an invalid home and walk in...
if you think it is possible...just try it !... It is because of the relationships that we have built that this can happen... it is because of this relationship that we can bring other NGO's and they are welcomed right away, and do not need to go through the same exercise of building favor. It is because of these relationships that we have built that we have been able to help so many individuals, like many of you who are reading this, navigate through difficult times in Kyrgyzstan. Not just anyone can pick up a group of kids from an orphanage and take them on an outing...
It is unheard of for Orphanage kids to go on sleep overs... Try walking into a hospital and picking up a baby and taking it to a specialist in another city..... We can do these things when others simply can't.... Seeking out the helpless ..or being proactive comes with a cost....

So much of our energy and time is spent concerning ourselves with where the finances come from... let me give you an example... When you hear of a need, and want to help, before the need ever reaches this , or any other site, we have to visit the person in need... this requires a VEHICLE & DRIVER... a TRANSLATOR, and usually about half a day with a WORKER Our first contact, we need to bring SOMETHING TANGIBLE to the table or they will never be able to focus on how we can help in the long run... Then we often have to do the leg work , including a trip to the HOSPITAL or INSTITUTION.. then we can come back with information in hand and report to you the need .. This does not even include the FLIGHTS..the VISAS, the INSURANCE, the UPKEEP ON THE APARTMENT, the INTERNET and PHONE. When you see $65 spent on a Banana party, I see everything else that goes on to make that happen...
Right NOW we have an opportunity to make sure that all of these other expenses are covered for the next year, but it can only be done if YOU take the time and make the sacrifice and donation right now...
It is important to us that a $65 banana party, or a $30 pair of glasses or even a $5 baby blanket delivered to the Baby orphanage or to the refugee camps on the Uzbec.
border remains possible... It's important to us that in the months and years to come, the people the administrators and the Government in Kyrgyzstan continues to trust us and respect us, and continue to welcome us in with our friends when we come to help... something we must never take for granted...

When you see
the Kyrgyzstan news right now, I am sure that your heart must break, and you have likely thought that someone needs to do something... That some one is YOU... You need to follow the big orange link on the top right side of this blog, and make a donation to send us back to a country in need...

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