It was almost two and a half years ago, Julie and I were faces with a recurring problem, and were feeling desperate to do something. Let me explain ..
We spend a lot of time in the orphanages.. Although they try their best to provide a good home for the kids, they are just to big and institutionalized... and lots of times, the child and the institution are just not a good fit.. Not all children can adapt to that life style. A new family of kids had just arrived, and they did not fit in at all.. We knew right away that there would be trouble.. and there was. We tried at the time to figure out what else we could do, but nothing was working . What we knew needed to happen was that we were to purchase a house that they could live in and find a Family that could be their Parents...
We spoke with Acel and Talant, and they knew of these kids, and agreed to take on the roll of house parents if we could find a house. We tried everything, but it was just beyond us .. There is so much red tap and Government paperwork in something like this , never mind the financing. Yet we knew that it was necessary... Something needed to be done, but it was more then we could do on our own. A few weeks later we headed for home with heavy hearts . Things fell apart for these beautiful children, and they left the orphanage... they returned home to a very difficult situation.. over the next few weeks, two of them were beaten so badly that one was left cross eyed and one started having seizures.
This is one of those things that has just haunted me since then... Had we been disobedient to what we knew , or were we just given a small window to see into the reality of the lives of so many orphans in Kyrgyzstan.
There is so much that we see and experience that is so far beyond what our abilities are , and we know that we need to focus on what we can do, and not be distracted by what we are not able to do, but always in the back of my mind I could vision a HOME... A safe place with Acel and Talant waiting at the door to love and care for the children that for one reason or another just would not fit orphanage life... A HOME that provided more then just a meal and a bed, but a place that took the time and effort to figure out the needs of the individual.. a HOME that could
work with families to help solve issues to bring families back together... a HOME that could train up the children and properly prepare them for the future...but most of all , a HOME were they were not beaten and abused.... A HOME where the heart is .
Today , that home has become a reality. our friends at LAMb international were given the same burden... They have the expertise to do all those things that we could not.. Today Acel and Talant, and their girls are standing at the door , ready to step into the roll that we discussed so long ago....
You must go here and read this post to see the full storey..
For me, it is My Dream come true ...
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