We decided that we could continue with our planes at the orphanages, but would just not have any visual contact with them at the office... so we were off to the baby hospital with Bucket Beck our new driver... We have traded in our big blue bus for a lower profile little red station wagon with tinted windows... and a BIG driver that is every ones friend... You know the saying ...keep your friends close and your enemy's closser...hahaha
The Baby orphanage is always a place of up and downs.. emotionally that is... But I must say that these babies are so well cared for... Each small section has lots of workers, and they are so good with the kids.. It is just that it is heart breaking to see so many disabled babies in one place...It always gets to me..
We really enjoy in the section with the older kids.. many of them see us and come running for their hugs...

usually I have Banana's but this time the stores were all gone, so I could not bring treats... NOT GOOD... No treat, and we want them to smile for the camera...hahaha... well they loved the attention just the same....
I then brought Emma over to meat the director of a new orphanage... I was planing on going there yesterday but that did not work out.. They were happy to see us as well They asked if Emma could come regularly to play with the kids.. they just had the team from LAMb this week and it was the first time that any one had brought gifts then stayed for a visit... The kids were more thrilled with the visit then the gifts.. so they are very excited about Emma coming... It was also great for Emma because Tolik one of our kids has been moved there and they got to give each other a big hug... I am sure that they know the troubles going on right now.. they pick up the cues from the distraught staff, so when we came to visit, it just meant the world to them.
I spoke to the director about what she needed right now for the kids... Emma has a small budget to help here...( did not tell her that ) .. She shared about one girl that was traumatized .. and since that time she stoped speaking.. she has received a lot of treatment as well as counseling , but her speech has never really come around... The last reports came in that she needs some speech therapy, that it is more then just an emotional thing now.. Emma will spend extra time becoming her friend.. Emma's quiet gentle spirit will be great for her... as well I called Olga to tell her about this girl.. and instantly she was saying YES YES JOHN .. tell her to come.... Once again I am amazed at the network that we have here... from months of the director trying to find a speech therapist and a way to pay for it, to us being able to make one phone call and darling little girl will have a chance at a better future... I wonder if the team from Quebec will ever realize the impact they made when they renovated that old apartment to put in the Knowledge store... probably not.... but today a little angle will reap the benefits....
The first time We came to this beautiful country, Julie and I commented that we need to some how get every one working together... since that time we have found that we have been the catalyst of that... we went were we felt led and helped where we felt we were to help ... sometimes things felt as if we were maybe stretching a little to thin with our time and resources... but now...
We arrived this spring with a strong feeling that we would not be lead to begin new area's of aid, but focus on strengthening those relationships he already have ... .. In the last month I have watched as those relationships have woven together to take on the world.. I have watched how we have faced difficulties that in the past would have been in the tens of thousands of dollars... and been amazed how most times have required little or no outside funding...
This is a torn Land... the government is facing near bankruptcy.. the average person here is with out hope... the infrastructure is destroyed.. the business are demolished....many will face the new reality of life here..... yet we stand strong... we are connected and moving forward... I have hopes and dreams for a brighter future, and now more then ever, I am feeling that our team is here and poised for a time such as this.....
I am torn.. I want to stay on, but know in my heart that I need to go back to Canada... there is much work to do... now more then ever... We as a family will need to make some very big sacrifices , and I will likely be asking some of you to do so as well... Just as there is a new normal for the wonderful people we work with ... I can feel in my bones that there will be a new norm for us as well... I see the big picture now.. and we are all in it!
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