Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Meeting a Need

LSI   is an organization that does a lot of incredible work in Kyrgyzstan.  They operate a clinic that provides medical care to the least of these.  They also take a hands on approach helping people with their day to day needs like food .  They are one of the biggest supporters of the coal deliveries that we do as well.  

The medical clinic has been a real blessing to us at the farm , they provide for all the medical needs for the boys , including Dental .

The Drs there are always so kind and carring .. very profecional 

I brought my friend Quinton there for a tour this spring , and found out something that has been troubling me.  In the diognostic lab they have an old EKG machine .. the problem is that it is old and not very reliable .. It only works when it feels like it and they are not able to find the reason. 

At the same time we found out the most of the clinic is going digital .  This enables them to have not only quick access to patient files, but they are able send the files to consulting Drs around the world.  It really is amazing for a small clinic.  

 Like I say, knowing the importance of the EKG machine and how unreliable theirs is, we did some checking and have found one that we could purchase for the that is $1230 USD.  ( That was the price at the end of May )  The benifit of this machine is that it is digital and can send results directly into patient files .  It also means they will no longer need to find printer paper and ink.   We have decided to move ahead with this , and are hoping to be able to present it to them as soon as possible. 

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