Monday, November 09, 2020

Orphan Sunday Update


A quick update about our Orphan Sunday fund raiser .  The group that we are partnering with had an incredible day.  They had $450 US come in despite the fact that about 80% of them are unemployed right now and the average salary of those working is around $250 a month.   We are able to add to that an additional $200 USD from donations and $550 from our general fund . So we will have a total of  $1200 that the orphanage will be able to use for winter clothing, food, school supplies and heat for the kids for the winter.  Thank you to those who donated to this and to our general fund so that we could step up and make a difference here. 

On the farm we had to do some repairs to the water heater .  There is so much gunk that comes in through the water lines , even with a filter, that the element burns out often so they are getting good at fixing it .. especially when Vlady is ready and willing to help.   

Part of our new process of putting the fields to bed for the winter is to plow them and spread the rotted pile of manure on them , then plant them with a winter crop that will come up in the spring as soon as the snow melts .. The main two crops this fall are garlic and spinach . 

Our next focus for our humanitarian Aid work is for the homeless projects .. We need food , clothing , cleaning supplies and medical supplies on hand.  

We have stepped out and begun acquiring what we can to help, and plan to do much more.  This is an area of ministry that is important to us .  Jengish began is Aid work by working with this organization which lead him to the Rehab center and in turn to the formation of The Farm.  You see most of those living on the streets now are out of orphanages .. they are the ones that we missed ..If you would like to see more about our history with the homeless you can check out this link  Just a word of caution, the videos in this link are disturbing so I understand if you do not want to look at them .. But this is the great part , we don't all have to be hands on with the homeless.. we can donate to others to make it possible to do what they are called to do.  

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