Well here we are in Kyrgyzstan for another few months. We had Bekah send a car for us at the airport . We got a chuckle out of the sign he had, but there was no doubt it was for us because how many John and Julia Rits can there be out there. After we booked I found out that Air France had changed its baggage policy and had gone to one bag , fortunately I figured this out while I was still in the window to cancel the flight as it was no longer the cheapest flight if I had to pay extra for bags . Before canceling, I decided to call the airlines to see if there was anything they could do . They told me that there was nothing that they could do to let me bring a second bag with out charge and that was reserved right for premium class passengers. With very little persuasion they agreed that if they just bumped us to premium at no extra cost then we could get the extra bag each. DONE, We stayed with Air France, and it was wonderful, especially on the long haul flight.
We spent the first day with Bekah then the next day picked up some friends and sponsors and brought vitamins and Banana's to the Baby orphanage before heading to the farm for lunch . It was great to be back .
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