Today was little Billy's first birthday. I am sure that it is a bitter sweet day for his Grandma . Billy lost his mom on this day during child birth. Billy was failure to thrive and had 3 holes in his heart and not expected to live. Many of you have been following his journey here on the blog ,so here is a little recap. Aiperie has been bringing formula and other necessary food and clothes to the family every couple of weeks since November, and we have seen incredible changes in Billy's health. He has developed muscle tone and two of the holes in his heart have grown in on their own and the third is doing well. We still have him on a mixture of formula and pablum. The family is so poor and he is doing so well that we do not want to take him off the high quality formula until we have to .
Today Aiperi was busy organizing a birthday party for him.
A tradition in Kyrgyzstan is to tie the babies legs with yarn on their first birthday, then the village kids have a running race and the winner of the race gets a prize, as well they get to cut the yarn on the babies legs which symbolizes releasing the baby to begin to walk and run. here is a short video of that today
It was our initial target to keep him on the formula until he was one and we have had some incredible sponsors who made that commitment and have supplied this need. Now that we have reached that target , how much more we are able to do for him will depend on the generosity of you our readers .. If you would like to help with the on going care of Billy, please use the donation links on the side of the blog and in the memo just put "Billy" thank you so much .
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